Thursday, September 9, 2010

Three ways we might get to 2050

Be outrageously ambitious. Progress relies on unreasonable people setting unreasonable goals. Be enthusiastic, exuberant, and enraged at the status quo.

Generate world-changing communications. Whether you make it, sing it, or sell it, your brilliant idea needs to communicate with compelling engagement. Start with Love.

Execute relentlessly. Ambition crumbles when the actions don’t deliver. The last detail totally counts. 99% is not enough. Emotion leads to action. Make things happen.

Sage advice from Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi.

Here’s to 2050.


  1. In the words of Dr. Horrible, "It's about upsetting the status quo because the status... is not quo."

  2. Excellent quo. Very witty. Who is Dr. Horrible?
